Why do you have to spend so much mental energy dealing with negative people?
What if you could identify and resolve doubts, reservations, hesitations and objections and get people to really listen?
- This program covers how to deal with the “Macho” person who already knows everything. Learn why many people fail to be convincing.
- Learn the four-step process for getting even the most conscientious of objectors to take your ideas seriously.
In this program, you’ll learn:
- The Skeptical People Process to get anyone to listen to you;
- Identifying and resolving doubts, reservations, hesitations and objections;
- The 3 points of view crucial to being convincing;
- How to use common experiences to get your point across;
- How to pry open mental space in even the most closed of minds; and,
- Make sure your message passes “The Macho Test.”
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Why do you have to spend so much mental energy dealing with negative people?
Learn why many people fail to be convincing. Experience a four-step process for getting even the most conscientious of objectors to take your ideas seriously.
Listen to Shelle’s live presentation with Q & A where she responds to a skeptical audience member!
Hear the whole process demonstrated in person. And see for yourself how effective it is.
Enthusiasm can create skepticism
Have you noticed that the more enthusiastic you are about an idea, the more skeptical some people become? It’s as if you are pushing their Skeptical Buttons. You may have experienced this yourself when someone foists their idea on you. When someone is very excited about an idea, they speak as if they are deciding for you what your opinion should be. “You’ll love this!” Unless that person has impeccable credibility, it’s easy to resent being told what to think.
Did you know that 15% of the population are skeptics at work?
They just won’t get convinced.
In a recent Success Strategies on-line poll, 23% of the respondents said that the biggest communication problem today is caused by a stubborn refusal to entertain other perspectives!
This audio program will also show you how to get around even the most Macho attitudes.
75% of people at work believe they know what is best for others.
Macho: Someone who …
- Already knows everything there is to know
- Is perfect in every way and has no problems
- If there are problems, they are clearly of someone else’s making
- Is bigger, better, smarter and more important than anyone else